Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year people..!!

What a year! a great one, i can say =)

2009 conclusion :

2009 was crazy, fun and full with new adventure. a bliss, i can say. My 2009 journey starts on April, when aa and i broke up. kinda gila for couple of month, until i step to Australia on June. My world change. Eventhought i was there for only 2 weeks, but it open my eyes.. that life is not always about you, or me. its beyond words.

so i start my 2nd semester with a new me. alhamdullilah got good result and i learn how to swim. plus, i got new bestfriends that i heart the most! i even become an official life guard and also, a swimming instructor. crazy!

but still.. i miss my ayah, everyday. always.

i wish 2010 will bring happiness and still gila'ness to me, to you, to everyone.

I love you. With all my heart.

Happy New Year.

muah muah

nadia alias

2010 :
Scuba license


syazhillmy said...

Happy New Year to u too! :)
May 2010 brings u better life, livin and love :)

nadia alias said...

thank you. muah muah!

pinkrain said...

again, ko nak pegi mana nad, amik gambar macam tu depan pavilion? hehhe.

neways, happy new year too. moga2, ko sama macam ko yang berbelas tahun aku kenal. yang gila. hehehhe.

love u bebeh!!

nadia alias said...

ni yg rasa nak pukul ko ni ngah.. hahhaaa.. kitakan sex in the city beb~ "ko nak g mana nad?" cis~

aku akan tetap sama, gila dan jujur. aku nak ko gak mcm tu.. still jadi bibik aku sampai aku tua. haha..

love you too bebeh!!

muah muah muah.