Friday, December 18, 2009

Are You Happy?

just had a really long conversation with azrul. he say things yang buat aku rasa mcm nak bunuh diri and in the same time, think about my love life..what ever it is, i can see that i am not ready for a serious relationship. i want it, but..god is asking me to sabarrr... not my time yet!

azrul share with me about things that he constantly question himself semasa zaman gila dia.. "am i a human? or.. adakah aku ni robot?" because when things doesnt work out, he can simple just walk away without regret.. without feeling bad.. just, free!

what is so interesting is, i am like that. freaks me out a lil' sbb azrul mcm my mirror pulak! urm.. relationship between me - ayie doesnt work out, so i just walk away.. of course i feel bad. but im still standing tall. im still, okayy. mcm takde benda pernah berlaku antara aku-ayie. the question is, how can i feel this way? am i a robot?

then between me - aa. we were thinking about bertunang and all. then everything doesnt work out, things start to fall apart and then kabuusshh! walk away.. as simple as that. rasa sedey sebulan..2bulan..3bulan..sampai sekarang sedeh tapi.. mcm ni jela aku. macam takde benda pernah berlaku antara aku-aa. the question is, am i a robot?

walk away seems to be the cepat, mudah, tangkas solution to most of my problem. i dont want that to happen but that's how things go right now!

am i happy? seriously.. am i truly fucking bloody babi happy??

well people,
i'm 22. i'm suppose to be miserable. kan? erk~

so people,
Are You Happy?


pinkrain said...

hey, life's like dat. u walk, u stop, u experience, u walk again. its either u bring it with u, or u leave it there.

yg penting what we learn from it. dats all.


nadia alias said...

diam. tenang. tidur.

love u

Anonymous said...

just a lesson to learn.

never ever shows the naive side of you. yes, u walk.. u stop.. u experience.. u walk again. but again, is all the experience worth the try?

the implications? the consequences? the pain? the restless nite? the sleepless nite?

i know, i may sound like being a weak arse remorseful person. but just sit down and ask yourself.. are u in a cycle of doing the same damn thing over and over? and when shit happens.. are u just happy to just lay it down and say.. owh.. that is an experience to learn..

im just bloody tired of it. hahaha.. and im only 25. =D

your fav stalker >,<

nadia alias said...

azrul. always, my fav stalker =)

thank you.