Sunday, December 20, 2009

nak apa lagi?

What a day! hang out with yo, tengok soccer kid. seriously, puas hati tengok budak kecek main bola.. soccer kid menang, 11 - 0 menentang singapore. mcm main futsal, sampai 11 beb! tapi every goal cantik.. gila lipat and banyak gila try.. puas hati gak ah. free pun kot! takan nak demand lebey. huhu. its a good effort from TV3, to organize something for kids during their school holiday. it was fun!

here come the serious part..

out of the blue, tiba2 je yo citer pasal ayie. he say he tgk fb ayie, then still ada my pic (erk~ ada ke pic aku?) he explain that, maybe.. ayie stil love@like@want me.. tapi mungkin aku je yang dah tak nak. apakah??? what the.. ? ~~ aku nak weiiii.. aku nak (over..) tapi, kadang2, benda@orang yang kita nak, bukan benda@orang yang kita perlukan. tak apa la.. tenang sajala..

yo diam je. pastu buat lawak bodo mcm biasa.

ntah la.

aku still mcm ni la. nak apa lagi?


muah muah


Anonymous said...

aha. the trivial part is always knowing which one is the one we want vs the want we need. choosing it is pretty simple.

well, a piece of advice la..

u gotta sit down and ask urself.. nak ke tak nak? in the sense that knowing ape yg u nak. and for what u nak? and is it worth it untuk nak?

start to think before u decide. is it merely lust or the "im afraid to be alone" syndrome or its really love.


ur personal stalker =D

nadia alias said...

my personal stalker =D

thank you azrul. already did what u suggest, its not worth it untuk nak..

muah muah.