Sunday, September 26, 2010

Not sure where to go.

Dear blog,

In the end of every chapter, every section, every page of my life, I come to you. In the end of every tunnel that I’ve been through, there would always be.. just me and you. I am glad and happy you stay.. at least.

As usual, my life sucks right now. I am physically fat, my flash button doesn’t seems to have the brain to find the files, my astro kena panah petir, it’s been 27 hours tak mandi (yuks!), stuck in the traffic for 1.5hours then cook Kari Ayam Mertua alone sambil menanges teresak esak, then cry cry cry the whole night and I feel like a real loser. A real loser.

Dear blog,

I know you can’t give me answers that I want.. but thank you, for providing me the space; my own small dark blog. Thank you.

Today, I am not sure where my future will bring me.

Sangat sentap dengan semua perkara. And I am not sure, where to go from here.

"Ni kepala bapak kau, ni kepala bapak aku. Tolong jangan pijak kepala bapak aku"


Anonymous said...

hold on, you'll rise up & shine. just hold on.

xoxo bujie

marta said...

Life is beautiful. Bellee...
Pozdrawiam z POLSKI:)

nadia alias said...


thanx alot you guys..

bujie : apa nama blog kamu ekkk??? jahat ni. main sorok2.

madlen : thanx girl! =)