Sunday, September 12, 2010

Winning combination.

Why Do Guys Love Boobs?
(.) (.)

I am going to answer this question with a question. Why do girls love shoes? They are simply devices designed to prevent foot injury. Who cares if they're made of leather or suede; what colour they are; how big the heel is; whether Manolo Blahnik makes them. They are just shoes!

From what I have learned from 'Sex and the City', you don't even buy them for comfortability. Women actually spend hundreds of dollars on things that pose a medical threat to their lower extremities! That does not make sense.

Boy's love of boobs follows a similar formula. We have no legitimate reason to love them. Put two large lumps of fat covered in skin in front of us, and we couldn't care less. However, throw a couple of nipples in the mix - you've got a winning combination.

And don't pretend like you ladies don't know it. Cleavage is the greatest male mind control device ever invented. We can't resist. We're like moths to a bug zapper. That long lusty line of flesh and desire slowly draws us in, controlling our every movement until we are close enough and then ... ZAP! We've bought you a pair of $560 Jimmy Choo Glossy Pumps, and we didn't even see it coming.

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