Friday, March 4, 2011


I am physically sick and ill. I hate it.. The pain attack my nose, so i can't control lelehan hingus. Then my eyes, berat je mata ni nyah. Then lastly, my head/brain (what ever u wanna call it) cause me headache. then I'm suffering from a bad muscle pain because i am about to experience a monthly circle of perrriiiooodd.. urgh. It's a girl thing.

Anyway, I got Tika's wedding reception to go through, totally gonna pengsan after that. termeninggal. I'm not sure how the wedding will turn out, but hopefully okay =) insyallah okay. okay gila! boleh! boleh! semua dah beli.. dah sedia.. boleh! =)

Anyway, another preview on Manuskrip. 1st draft baru je print and esok pagi hantar =) alhamdullah. termeninggal gak buat benda ni.. tapi best.. dan menarik. dan tertarik, aku memang the boom (ovverrrrrr... haha)

my page. my article.

lagi update..? Well, it is 70% conform that practical training will start on September. I'm not happy and i don't really know what to do in that bloody 3 month. I mean, i can always work.. but, I takut plak kerja kat any publisher company without experience. Well, i was thinking to teach swimming but hack, i will be damn gelap gelita kulit sebab open pool, so.. kulit mak cepat gelap nyah kena matahari.. mak put lilin. able? gedeks me.

what else?

well, i want to share my concern with you guys.. I know and i'm sure that i want to work in the publishing field. I've studied 3 fucking god damn years and everyday i talk, listen, eat and berak publishing. So, it will be a total lost if i learn about the industry but never really practice it. However, the issue here is.. what type/specification i want to do in the industry? Designer? Editor? Proof reader? printing? distribution? serious, i have no idea. I want to taste it all but i don't think any publishing company can compromise with my demand because of the lack of time and stuff. well, editor sounds great.. but e.di.tor?? sound lame, kan? Designer? wow. but seriously..?? mati kejong aku buat design kang.. obses buat design. so what then? I don't know.

2nd concern. I need a change. I believe that i am to comfortable with where i stand today. When I came home, my bedroom is ready.. my katil is the best.. my bantal is my bucuk bucuk. makanan terhidang.. kucing mengiaww gedeks. basically, i have everything i need at home. However, i am 24.. i need to do something with my life and get a life out there. I need to learn to not have enough money and makan meggi sedeyy dengan kawan kawan. macam time diploma dulu. hina, sedey dan keji.. tapi itulah kenangan paling indah. I need to know what is hard before easy. I need to taste eeuuuwwww before nyum nyum. I need to take a deep breath in a different atmosphere. I need.. I want to.. I have to.

I love what i have today. I got the best ibu dan crazy sibling.. but i need the change.

"For everything you have missed, you have gain something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else."

muah muah.


pinkrain said...

'I need to learn to not have enough money and makan meggi sedeyy dengan kawan kawan.'

overla. makan nak rasa tahap tekak professional, nak makan maggi jer. huhu.

designer sounds good for u. memang nak terberak ( atau terbuang air besar) but i think that suits u.i hope. huhu.

jangan mintak sangat perubahan sbb bila ujian dtg, dia ubah gila2 sampai kita tak mampu kata apa2.

*bersyukurlah (feeling2 al-jawahir)

nadia alias said...

susah nak tahu apa kita nak. oh future.. sgt mystery.

dan baiklah, bersyukur =p over tau al-jawahir.haha.

love u. muah2

Anonymous said...

ye la hidup nie kalu x berubah
x de fasa la org kata,
sy ckp psl fasa2 nie power seperb..

nadia alias said...

Huhu.. apakah. layan