Hello peeps! Wadddduupppp...
I want to inform you guys that i've cut my hair.. why?
Well, i've been thru hard time and i guess this week is the most worst crazy week, ever; problem with sleeping, rocking relationship, i miss my cats, i miss my ayah, period pain, workload etc. The most problematic issue is the sleeping disorder. It hit me straight! Takde mood langsung. and also relationship.. ehem ehem. Sometimes i think i am not ready to give commitment to the relationship. I am not sure..
So i took my half day off, go urut then cut my hair short.
So that's it.
Sorry kak mariah!

"Takpe la noks.. akak faham. kau tension.. whatever it is, kita tetap ssiiisssterrrrrssss.. gitew"
and yes, ini ialah pejabat saya.
Selerak, my boss kata okay je selerak sebab i am a Graphic Designer. haha. I do not know what does it mean but i am damn sure that i have a lot of projects coming. So, jangan sentuh dan kemas meja ku =)

TARAAAAA!!! short hair.
Okay, feeling Victoria Beckam... mampuuuu kau?

So that's it.
"If you begin to understand what you are trying to change it, then what you are undergoes a transformations"
So that's it.
Tapi, rambut mariah tu meletup wey. Aku dah tahu dah nak mintak Macam mana kat hairdresser tu.
Rambut mariah satu!
sonyaaaa.... hahahahaa
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