Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Get in, Get it done, Get it done right and Get out!

It's been a while now. I simply did not have the time to write.. somehow facebook and instagram kinda take place to inform .It's easy and straight to the point.. But then again, i am not here to write on social media but i would like to share with you about stuff i've been thru. Please, keep reading.

I've been working for 1.5 year now. There's a lot of ups and downs, happiness, craziness, screaming, shouting and some of them leave, get fired and the rest (including me) just shut and stare. Its been crazy and sometimes it doesn't make sense at all. The great thing is today, i went to a talk/seminar from Stefan Sagmeister, a Grammy Award winner, not once.. but twice for his magnificent design and ideas. Super presentation titled "Can i pursue happiness in design?"

The thing about the seminar was not about being creativity or what so ever.. but mostly about his journey in seeing things differently and to know who you are. I would say that it is not easy to do all that.. Stefan is now 50 years old and he is still learning about himself. What about me? What about all of us?

Its been a while since i did not memuhasabahkan diri sendiri. Mungkin perlu diamkan diri kejap and really, just enjoy the moment. My life is hactic - belajar + kerja + online business + kucing + rumah + bercinta  and to be honest, somehow i kinda jadi demotivated to do shits that i need to do sebab macam tak habis habis je weeiiii.. penatttt dowhhhh... It's not good, i know. Bapak Donald Trump pernah berkata, "If you are stuck in a situation that you don't like.. remember..Get in, Get it done, Get it done right and Get out.." 

So for today, ladies and gentlemen.. Let's be kind to each other. Be thankful =) 

See you later noks!

ps : pehal aku feeling omputeh time tulis niehhh??? 

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