psssttt.. cerita hebat tahun ni.
I am moving to a new company called Transwater (TW) on August 1st. Alhamdullillahhhh.. ^_____^
I am not in the beauty industry anymore, sekarang feeling ala ala berminyak sebab kat company oil and gas. Feeling muka desa giteww... Satu penghijrahan. Moga moga diberkati dan mendapat lebih banyak knowledge and experience di sana. Insyallah.
Well, i have to be honest that leaving Cosmoderm was not easy. I have been working with Cosmoderm for 2.5 years now. I've learnt alot, in terms of business outlook, the crazy creative part, online thingy which is super tiring, the crazy events and all. Yes, i am happy and satisfied that i did and taste it all. Been there, done that. Cosmoderm is indeed a growing company that i believe will grow, grow and will not stop growing sampailah mereka menjadi product NO.1 di dunia. Serious. People who work in Cosmoderm is super gigih and perkasa. Ini perkara serious.
This is how we actually work, tapi pakai tudung.. Islamic gitewww.... hiks.
So yes, my last day with Cosmoderm will be on July 15th, this coming Friday. Again, it was never easy to leave them as they have been apart of my life for 2.5 years. It was not easy. But hey,
The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
Love yourself more everyday.
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