Monday, January 11, 2010

diam.tenang. tido.

"call me bodo.. call me perempuan yang tak tahu apa itu cinta. just call me what ever you like.. but let me tell you that love is fucking bullshit if you need to bergadai everything just to be loved"

so fuck you. fuck you.

diam. tenang. tido.


syazhillmy said...

love should give us more and more not take more and more from us. shouldn't it be like that?

nadia alias said...

it should.

diam. tenang. tidur. lagi indah.

Anonymous said...

i have to agree.

being one of the victim of it.

im starting to hate the emotional tantrum im facing every single day. being a virgorian, its worst. knowing that u hurt more than u gain more. and knowing that there's no escape. u r in it. and u gotta be responsible.

i miss my fucking robotic life. where emotion doesnt matter. and life is about being ridiculous and carefree.

but gettin older doesnt permit me to be ignorant and stupid anymore.

love. loathe it. curse it. its there for the taking and not for the weak heart.

-ur usual stalker-

Anonymous said...

"as soon as my heart stops breaking.. anticipating.. i'll be over you"

toto - i'll be over you.

song of the week.

nadia alias said...

my crazy fav.stalker. =)

thank you en.stalker.

Anonymous said...

love doesn't have to hurt.
when it hurts than it's not love.

maybe it's karma. mungkin bukan masanya lagi..

when god closes one door, he opens another window. cliche'!

so, while you are on this awesome journey of being single, focus on what's good for you, instead of thinking of people who have sucked up all of your effort, time and energy. good things come to those who wait :) - again cliche' but it's true....

afterall, cest' la vie!

the cliche' person